An appointment with an acupuncture practitioner frequently includes a blend of traditional Chinese practices and modern medicine. Practitioners come from a variety of backgrounds, which influence their approach to treatment. An acupuncture practitioner who emphasizes the treatment’s roots in Asian medicine is likely to take a holistic approach, viewing the….[Read More]

Massage Therapy
We understand that many of the injuries or conditions that we see at Allied Chiropractic are not a skeletal (bone) problem. Whether it’s tension, sprains, strains, knots, or fibromyalgia, our massage therapists are trained in different techniques that will help your specific condition. Whether you are looking for a relaxing….[Read More]

Chiropractic medicine is a form of natural health care that focuses on treating a patient without the use of drugs or medicines. Doctors of Chiropractic, more commonly known as chiropractors, are primary health care providers licensed in all 50 states, and are recognized by governmental health care programs such as….[Read More]