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1) Fats are GOOD! Healthy fats are important in maintaining a healthy cell membrane. Healthy fats are able to drive the body into an anti-inflammatory state, whereas unhealthy fats drive the body towards inflammation.
Nuts (not peanuts), Avocado, Coconut oil, Hard cheese
2) Greens are lean and clean! The more greens you eat, and the darker they are, the better your body is able to metabolize and detoxify impurities such as pollution, pesticides, etc.
2) Berries do a body good! Berries are loaded with antioxidants which reduce inflammation and cell damage by removing free radicals. Blueberries top the list, followed by strawberries. They should be organic due to heavy pesticide use.
3) GMO’s really are BAD news! GMO’s contribute to many aspects of poor health. Most importantly, they are designed to keep pesticides in the plant to attach bugs. These pesticides poke holes in the insects, killing them. What might this be doing to your insides?
4) Improve your gut health to improve digestion and reduce inflammation. Stomach viruses, travelling (esp. outside the U.S.), the Standard American Diet all contribute to an unhealthy GI tract. Taking probiotics, eating whole foods, reducing carbohydrates (simple sugars), eliminating packaged foods and fast foods all will improve gut health. A healthy gut = a healthy brain!
5) Gluten Free? A trend? Approximately 30% of the population has issues with gluten, a protein in wheat. It can contribute to inflammation, causing joint pain, headaches, leaky gut, acne and more. Try eliminating it from your diet, and see how you feel. You will be eliminating a predominantly GMO product from your body in doing so.
6) The big offenders: sugar, dairy, eggs, gluten, soy. These are all common food irritants contributing to poor health. Sugar ranking #1. If you have chronic, unresolved issues, they may be contributing to your symptoms.
7) Organic: When it Matters Most:
The Dirty Dozen: known to be high in pesticide residue:
1. Apples
2. Celery
3. Sweet bell peppers
4. Peaches
5. Strawberries
6. Nectarines – imported
7. Grapes
8. Spinach
9. Lettuce
10. Cucumbers
11. Blueberries – domestic

12. Potatoes

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